Want AI Coaching?
Are you looking for help troubleshooting a specific problem? Want 1-on-1 coaching to up-level your skills?
You guys have been asking me for individual help for a long time, and it wasn’t until very recently that I have the bandwidth to offer it. Finally, I have cleared out time when I can meet with you. If you have been struggling with a project, want to chat about how AI can help your business, or need help writing the perfect prompt to get the perfect result, I am here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I send you images/materials I would like to discuss during our session?
Yes! I will send you an email ahead of our session, reply to that and feel free to provide anything you want to make sure we cover.
Can I have a free session?
Unfortunately, no. I wish I could meet with everyone regardless of your ability to pay, but my time is not unlimited. Charging for these sessions is best way I can make sure I am spending time with people who will truly value and appreciate it.
What are we allowed to talk about?
I would be thrilled to talk with you regard anything and everything AI-related! I do ask that we keep our conversations PG, and I reserve the right to refuse consulting that leans in an explicit direction.
What happens if I become unavailable and need reschedule?
I cannot offer refunds for missed sessions, so please let me know more than 24 hours ahead of time. If you do, I am able to reschedule at no cost to you.
Can I get a recording of our session?
During our session you may ask that it be recorded, and I am happy to provide you a link to that recording afterwards. I ask that the recording are only for you and that they not be posted or shared anywhere else. I will never record without your consent.
Do you speak any other languages than English?
I am sorry, no. I only speak English.
Will our session be turned into a video on your channel?
I will not tell your story or turn our conversation into a video unless you give me your express permission. There is a possibility that I think the concepts we talk about could be useful to everybody, they may eventually become a part of the channel.