Thank you for being here

It takes a special kind of person to go to the website of a YouTuber they watch, and even consider donating. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

I hope I can convince you it will be worth it. You may or may not know, I am working on developing an AI Powered website that, I hope, will make learning easier for everyone. You can read more about it here, but the point is: Development is expensive and running AI Models is expensive. This project is a passion of mine and I am funneling all of my YouTube revenue into it, but my channel is small and my dreams are big. So, without your help, it won’t be enough.

If my videos have provided some value to you or if you, like me, believe in the future of ClassroomAI… please donate what you can.

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Become a GlibaAngel

By choosing to donate, you will have priority for accessing ClassroomAI when we need our first rounds of feedback. Join the growing ranks of GlibaAngels to support me and this mission at the same time.

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